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Full Moon Tea Ceremony and Sacred Women Circle - BARLEY MOON

  • Globe House Yoga 88 Whites Grounds England, SE1 3JU United Kingdom (map)

Where: >>> Amazing space Globe House Yoga in London Bridge
When: >>> SUNDAY, 15 SEPTEMBER 19, 6pm
Cost:   >>> from £20 (a couple of low income places are available at £15, please contact me)

"The growing and dying of the Moon reminds us of our ignorance, which comes and goes. But when the Moon is Full, it is as if the eternal light of the Great Spirit were upon the whole world." - Black Elk (Many Moons book)

This month we will use the power of Ceremonial Tea together with the power of Vortex Healing, followed by the Medicine of Sharing.

Women’s circles are a magical place for connection with ourselves, our sisters, our tribe. Something that most of us are missing and longing for in our hectic modern lives – deep sense of community, sisterhood, belonging and meaningful connection with likeminded women. Here we grow and heal together. Tea Ceremony deepens this connection and also our connection to Nature and Moon. Through the magical ritual of Tea Ceremony we are able to relax, go deeper into our bodies and connect to our own knowing and wisdom.

Some of you know, some don't, but I have been doing Vortex Energy Healing for a few years now, and after the Tea Ceremony I will be doing a group healing for those areas that this Full Moon will be highlighting. 

This particular full moon is called Blue Moon, because it occurs twice in the same month, making it a powerful time for reflection. This Moon asks us to question the foundation on which our thoughts, feelings and actions are based. That means to leave safety of the known and predictable to the "unsafely" of the unknown... And this can create a lot of anxiety and pain within us. However this is all necessary for our growth and unfolding of who we truly are.


>>> Introductions (the moon cycle, the tea, ourselves)
>>> Opening Meditation (to get us in their bodies)
>>> Silent Tea Ceremony (to connect to ourselves and everyone in the group)
>>> Group Vortex Energy Healing
>>> Group Sharing {share your experiences, insights, longings)
>>> Closing Meditation

I will be brewing a special heart opening Tea for the Tea Ceremony on the night. Tea is such a powerful medicine plant, but it’s so human and gentle, and it cares. Tea from ancient and wise tea trees has the ability to connect us to our hearts, take us on a very gentle journey and heal us.

Advance booking is recommended, as places fill up, and a few of our previous events were SOLD OUTPlaces are limited to 12, as group work and healing is deeper and more powerful when in smaller groups.

Please note, NO REFUNDS are offered, however the booking might be moved to another date IF I am notified at least two days before the event takes place. Regardless of the reason, if I am notified after that time of your inability to attend, the booking is not going to be moved. The ticket, however, can be transferred to another woman.

The seating is done on the floor. Comfortable clothing is recommended. After tea we will share some healthy snacks.

I am looking forward to sharing a bowl of tea with you all!

Useful Links:

Global Tea Hut ( - a non profit organisation based in Taiwan, which promotes Living Tea - Tea growing wildly in nature, in harmony with natural environment, with no pesticdes and agrochemicals. This kind of Tea is a Plant Medicine to our body, mind and spirit. GTH is a subscrition service where for $20 a month you will get a magazine full packed of articles about Tea and Spirituality, a sample of amazing tea and a little present. You will fall in LOVE!