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New Moon Tea Ceremony (open to all)

  • T-Lovers London, SE17 1TH Full address will be sent on booking UK (map)

Where: My Home in SE1/SE17 London
When:  Almost every Tuesday at 8pm (press Book Now for dates)
Cost:    Donation

We are gathering just a day before the actual New Moon takes place on Wednesday. Usually we have a special New Moon Gathering for Women on a monthly basis. But this is a New Moon Tea Ceremony open to all - men and women - for all of us drink Tea in the energy of New Moon coming, and reflecting on what new intentions and plans and visions to set up in order to follow our true course.

As always, we will be brewing tea in the Asian tradition, amazing teas, which are known to be very energetically powerful, which is particularly helpful for meditations. And this week we will drink one or two "living" teas. "Living" meaning wildly grown, without pesticides and in harmony with the nature and eco environment. Such teas are always very deep and powerful, and take us on a very deep journey with. 

We will use the wisdom of this tea to connect to ourselves, to life and feel that we are all one, that there is no distinction between us and life on the energy level.

It is donation based, and you are welcome to leave as much as you deem it was worth to you. The seating is done on the floor, and there will be plenty of cushions . After tea we will share some healthy snacks - nuts, fruit, chocolate and cakes.

I am looking forward to sharing a bowl of tea with you all!

Earlier Event: 12 December
Christmas Tea Ceremony in NEAL'S YARD
Later Event: 30 January
Full Moon Tea Ceremony (open to all)